This isn't really an update since I blogged yesterday. But yesterday's post was about music and that does not count. Sooooo... Today I woke up at 12 p.m. because I was really tired this entire week. On Friday, we had a school assembly and I had to perform as part of the choir. It was a good experience over all except for the fact that it was raining. Oh and I had a math test with four problems and I missed one of them, which is a C. Oh well I can retake it. :/

It's almost 2010! We are either going to Las Vegas or LA this holiday season. Last year we went to San Francisco. Really, I would be happy wherever we went because I like every single vacation. Even if we aren't going somewhere I really like, I can always find something fun to do. Go with the flow is like my life motto. Sometimes. Haha.
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