♫ Listening to: Mariee Sioux - Wizard Flurry Home (this song is so pretty and peaceful, though the lyrics make NO sense)
I've been wanting a laptop for some time and my parents agreed to buy me one. But it's taking me forever to decide what to get. I think I want to be an architect when I grow up buuuutttt, would it help if I got a Mac or PC? I heard that most of the software is for PC and when I visited an architecture firm, they were using PC's, but I want a MAC haha. Writing will help me think it out.
Things to keep in mind: This is my first laptop, so I'm probably going to get another one before college. This isn't my main computer. My main computer is a windows.
Pros of Macs: Elegent, pretty, GARAGE BAND!, faster, artistic reputation, people will think I'm cool?
Cons of Macs: Less storage, not used to using mac, hard to tranfer files from my windows, pricey $$$
Pros of Windows: I know how to use it!, less expensive (depends), I'm really liking Office 07, Windows 7 is coming out, Stuff I use is only for windows, storage space
Cons of Windows: Slow (at least my computer is..), takes a long time to start up
Gaaahhhh, can't decide!
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