♫ Listening to: The Veronicas - This Is How It Feels
Okay, so haven't posted in ALMOST a month! It's because of something called school. ew... It's not that I get a lot (contrary to popular belief, a lot is actually two words. I never knew until a few months ago, so I'm practicing good grammar) of homework, it's SO hard to concentrate on everything and remember things in this society of amnesia. My teachers are all awesome, so I'm thankful for that. I got a new cellphone! And then I lost it. And then I found it! =) Right now, I am loving smores pop tarts. It's the only flavor of pop tarts I will eat, all the others aren't really appealing. Next week is going to be tiring. The beginning of school is alright, but then when you get more into the school year, everything becomes more and more routine. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving break! :)
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