Hair, There, Everywhere

♫ Listening to: Train - Save Me, San Francisco (This song would make such a good movie opening song, catch my drift?)

So... last Sunday I went to Target, which is one of my favorite stores. (I'll do another post on favorite stores) I just wanted to share two things that I bought because I think they are really really good. (so far) These are both Herbal Essences hair products, so tune out if you aren't interested:

First up is Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship Leave-In Split End Protector: I really like this product so far. I'm saying so far because I've only used it twice, but I'm surprised by the results. I don't think it does anything for split ends, so I just treat it as a leave in conditioner. I use it after I shower and apply it to wet hair. It makes my hair less frizzy and more straight. I guess the result depends on your hair texture. Even though I have naturally straight hair, it makes my hair more smooth and shiny.

Next is Herbal Essences Drama Clean Shampoo: Let me start of by saying that I used this shampoo with Herbal Essences Pin Straight Conditioner. I like this combination because I don't see the point of having a "drama clean" conditioner.

I enjoy using both these products and I would recommend them, but I probably won't repurchase them because I like to keep my options open and I don't stick to certain products. These are my personal opinions and they may change over time. Hope this helps! =)

Hello World, Are You Listening?

♫ Listening to: One Republic - Come Home

Hey! Last month and this month are going to be really hard. I'm going to Arizona next week and this week I don't have school, so basically I have to make up a ton of work and tests. I'm kind of nervous to go to Arizona because it's a choir trip, and I don't know a lot of people in my choir class. My good friend from choir isn't going on the trip. Yeah... guess I'll just make the best of it.

Yesterday, I went to hang out with some of my friends and we played wii ... for like five hours. Since all of my friends have wii's and I don't, well, let's just say my video game skills are lacking. It was fun though. We played Big Brain Academy and Wii Play. I think that I wouldn't buy a wii because I'm an only child and I don't want to be addicted to video games. I mean, c'mon I already am obsessed with music, my laptop, and television. What more could I need? Haha. Yeah, so overall, I think the wii is best if you have a lot of people over at your house often. So anyways...

Oh, did you know that using "anyways" to start a sentence is not grammatically correct. My 7th grade grammar freak teacher told me this. Also, the word pronunciation is pronounced wrong a lot. It's supposed to be proNUNciation, but people say proNOUNciation. And those are your two interesting facts for the day! Just kidding ...

TGIF! =)